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Make sure your recreational vehicle has the right protection, at the right price

Whether you’re travelling on the open road or exploring the great outdoors, get peace of mind with affordable and flexible coverage from Co-operators. We insure a wide range of recreational vehicles. Find out more about each category.

Recreational vehicles we insure


Motorcycles are two or three-wheeled motor vehicles with a driver’s seat or saddle.

Dirt bikes

Dirt bikes are motorcycles that are designed to be used on rough terrain like unsurfaced roads or trails. Types include, but are not limited to, trail dirt bikes, motocross bikes, enduro bikes and dual sport bikes.


ATVs are vehicles with 4 or more wheels that are designed for transportation over various types of off-road terrain and trails. Types include, but are not limited to, sport, utility, side-by-side and youth ATVs.


Snowmobiles are designed exclusively for travel on snow and ice. They’re typically used on trails and private property. Types include, but are not limited to, trail, sport, touring, crossover and utility snowmobiles.

Mopeds or scooters

Mopeds are motor-assisted bicycles with operable pedals that weigh no more than 55 kg (120 lb). They have no motor-driven clutch or gearbox and can’t travel faster than 50 km (30 MPH) per hour on level ground.

Trailers and campers

This category includes 2- or 4-wheeled vehicles with no engine that are towed by private passenger vehicles. Types include, but are not limited to, travel and personal-use utility trailers, hardtop and soft-top tent trailers, and campers.


These motorized vehicles are designed for recreational travel and accommodation. This category also includes trucks equipped with a non-detachable camper body, as well as converted buses and vans that are not used for general transportation.

To get an insurance quote for your motorhome, call 1-877-545-2667. Residents in Quebec may call 1-877-630-2667. Or you can connect with a financial representative near you to learn more about insurance for your motorhome.

How does recreational vehicle coverage work?

Whether you have a government or private auto insurance plan for your recreational vehicle depends on where you live. In Canada, auto insurance is handled a bit differently in each province or territory. Learn more about how auto insurance works in Canada.

At Co-operators, we insure recreational vehicles as a flexible, stand-alone auto insurance policy, or as bundled coverage with existing home or auto policies.

What does auto insurance cover?

Everything required by law comes standard in your policy. You can also bump up your protection with additional coverage. Find out more about mandatory and additional coverage.

Still have questions?

Call or meet with us to find the right auto insurance solution for you.

Additional resources

At-fault collisions and insurance coverage

Learn about at-fault collisions and how you can minimize the damage to your insurance record.

Get motorcycle and ATV safety tips

Make the most of your riding season with these motorcycle and ATV safety tips.

Auto insurance fraud

Some people go to great lengths to make staged collisions look real. Here are the top 3 scams to be aware of.

Home and Auto Insurance is underwritten by Co-operators General Insurance Company. Not all products are available in all provinces. Co-operators General Insurance Company is committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality, accuracy and security of the personal information that we collect, use, retain, and disclose in the course of doing business. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information. Co-operators® is a registered trademark of The Co-operators Group Limited.

© 2024 Co-operators General Insurance Company