Insurance Investments Group Claims About us

Complaint resolution process

Step 1: Let us know

Contact our Licensed Insurance Representatives to share your concerns. They can be reached by phone or email and can often resolve issues you may be experiencing quickly.

Ford: Lincoln:
Phone: 1-844-730-3673
Phone: 1-844-731-5462

Step 2: Escalate your concern

If your issue is not resolved to your satisfaction after speaking with us, you can request your complaint be escalated. Your complaint will enter our internal escalation process for further review and investigation.

Step 3: Contact the Office of Fair Client Practices (formerly Ombuds Office)

If you’ve taken the steps above and your concern remains unresolved, you may contact the Office of Fair Client Practices (formerly Ombuds Office) for further assistance.

Mail: Office of Fair Client Practices (formerly Ombuds Office)
The Co-operators Group Limited
101 Cooper Drive
Guelph, ON N1C 0A4
Phone: 1-877-720-6733

After the Office of Fair Client Practices (formerly Ombuds Office) review, you’ll receive a written response, except in the case where a simple complaint or concern can be cleared up over the phone. We complete most investigations within 30 business days of receiving your complaint and all supporting documentation. If we can’t meet this deadline, we will contact you and let you know why we need extra time and when you can expect a response.

The written response from the Office of Fair Client Practices (formerly Ombuds Office) is considered the company’s final position.

Depending on your situation, you may be referred to Co-operators Service Review Panel, a unique service that provides a forum for the resolution of client concerns. The Service Review Panel is made up of volunteer clients who look at complaints to work towards a solution that’s fair to both you and Co- operators.

Independent assistance

If we are not able to resolve your concerns to your satisfaction and you want to pursue the matter further, you may contact the General Insurance OmbudService (GIO). The GIO is an independent service that offers recourse to consumers who have not been able to resolve their complaint by dealing with their insurance company.