Insurance Investments Group Claims About us


Building a sustainable society will require participation from everyone – individuals, communities, government and businesses. Our vision is to become a catalyst for a sustainable society, as a company that is committed to using our expertise, networks and influence to advocate for innovative solutions.

Smart Prosperity Leaders’ Initiative

Smart Prosperity is a diverse working group that comprises leaders from all parts of Canadian society – all collaborating to deliver a roadmap of practical, achievable and ambitious solutions that accelerate Canada’s transition to a cleaner economy. Our President and CEO, Rob Wesseling, participates in this working group, offering perspectives from the insurance and financial services industry.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures

We endorse the work and recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, supporting the development of voluntary, consistent climate-related financial-risk disclosures, which can be used by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers and other stakeholders to measure and respond to climate change risks.

Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition

We joined the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition in July 2016 and have committed to becoming carbon neutral equivalent by 2020. We will continue to support a broad range of adaptation and mitigation measures that will make our communities more resilient and help our country transition to a low-carbon economy.

Council for Clean Capitalism

In 2012, we became a founding member of the Corporate Knights’ Council for Clean Capitalism, a group of influential CEOs who are dedicated to the promotion of “clean capitalism” in Canada. The priorities of the council include Green Financing, Inclusive Wealth and Green Buildings in which we advocate for policy changes that will positively impact the wellbeing of Canadians.

United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) has led the way in developing a set of guidelines, Download the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, for embedding sustainability within the insurance industry. In addition to being a proud founding signatory in 2012 – the first in North America – we were actively involved in the development of these principles. To learn more about our progress around implementation, please see the “Annual Disclosure of Progress” section of our Integrated Annual Report supplementary disclosures.

Wildfire Protection

The Co-operators has been a founding partner of Wildfire Community Preparedness Day since 2015, along with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR). Spearheaded by Partners in Protection under their FireSmart brand, communities are awarded funding for local mitigation efforts to protect homes and communities from wildfire. Recent wildfire seasons across Canada have illustrated the vulnerability of communities to wildfire, as well as their potential for devastating loss. The FireSmart Home Development Guide outlines specific measures that Canadians, homebuilders and property owners can take to make informed decisions and reduce the risk of damage from wildfire.

Fire Sprinkler Advocacy

Fire sprinklers help to protect lives, reduce injuries and minimize the severity of property damage. As a result, The Co-operators is a strong advocate of home fire safety and a leading proponent of the mandatory installation of fire sprinklers in new residential-home construction.

We work closely with many organizations, including the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Canadian Automatic Sprinkler Association (CASA) and the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC) , to develop research, build awareness and mandate change. Information and free educational materials about the life-saving benefits of home fire sprinklers can be accessed through HFSC Canada.

Talk to your Financial Advisor today; if your home has fire sprinklers, you may be eligible for discounts.